Whatever it is, the way you tell your story will be unique, bespoke and joyful…...
I charge £950/€1050 for all types of Couples Ceremonies (for Renewal of Vows Ceremonies and Naming/Welcoming Ceremonies, see separate fees below)
This fee includes:
Travel to conduct meetings and ceremonies within a twenty-mile radius of my home (in CB23, Cambridgeshire) or my base near Chalabre, Aude. Travel outside these areas will be charged at 45p/€0.50 per mile.
An initial meeting, which might last anywhere between 1-3 hours.
A draft script for the service, which you will have the opportunity to approve in plenty of time before the day of the ceremony.
At least one visit to your chosen venue if our initial meeting takes place elsewhere.
A ceremony rehearsal.
The ceremony itself, of course.
A Celebration Certificate to be signed at the end of the ceremony.
A beautifully presented souvenir script for you to cherish.
My fee does not include:
Other expenses necessarily incurred, and agreed to in advance by you, such as accommodation, train or air travel.
Candles, trees or other items required for a symbolic action during the ceremony.
All fees and likely expenses will be discussed at our meeting.
I ask for a 50% deposit to be paid at or just after our first meeting. The balance will be paid a week prior to delivery of my final script.
I will provide a copy of my Terms and Conditions when we meet.
Renewal Ceremonies and Naming/Welcoming Ceremonies
This fee includes:
Travel to conduct meetings and ceremonies within a twenty-mile radius of my home (in CB23 Cambridgeshire) or my home in Chalabre, Aude. Travel outside these areas will be charged at 45p/€0.50 per mile.
Our initial meeting, which might last anywhere between 1-3 hours.
Writing a draft script for the service, which you will approve before the big day.
A visit to your chosen venue if our initial meeting takes place elsewhere.
The ceremony itself, of course.
A beautifully presented souvenir script for you to cherish.
A Celebration Certificate to be signed at the end of the ceremony.
My fee does not include:
Other expenses necessarily incurred, and agreed in advance by you, such as accommodation, train or air travel.
Candles, trees, balloons, time-capsules or other items required for a symbolic action during the ceremony.
All fees and expenses will be discussed at our meeting.
I ask for a 50% deposit to be paid at or just after our first meeting. The balance will be paid a week prior to delivery of my final script.
I will provide a copy of my Terms and Conditions when we meet.